We’re Zooming to the Moon!

As part of our ‘Reading Aloud’ topic we have been looking at significant events in the 60’s. One of these being the Moon Landing! All the children watched the landing and loved to watch the rocket blast off. We wrote all about it in the Ladywood Newspaper, so we could share the adventure with our friends.

In Maths we fired out rockets to the moon, through all the stars and moon dust! We loved matching the stars to the rocket and counting down ready for take off.

In our Reading we looked at one of our favourite books ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ but little did we know that they would be coming to our school and stealing our underpants. We followed the trail under the washing line, through the tunnel, zig zagging across the fence and finally jumping in the bloomers!

Have a wonderful weekend! 4P have been amazing!

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